2022 Election of Officers

2022 Election of Officers

Dear Member:

Please contact the secretary if you want to make sure your information is correct. The election secretary will have all your information as well to submit to National.

2. On October 8, 2022 there will be a report of the Nominating Committee, receipt of Nominations by Petition, and election of the Election Supervisory Committee.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2040027105?pwd=M3B3ckxjcm1vd2p0ekhPdHhUVjlFQT09

Meeting ID: 204 002 7105

Passcode: 4107-B), (10AM)

All members whose memberships are current as of May 1st of the election year, who’s memberships have remained continuous throughout the election process, and who live and/or work within the unit’s jurisdiction, may be nominated for office or as an at-large member of the Executive Committee. In order to sign a nominating petition, or be elected to the Election Supervisory Committee, a member must be current as of 30 days prior to the October meeting.

3. On November 12, 2022, the election of officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee will take place at (The election will be conducted electronically, therefore there will be no Watchers and/or Observers) Polls will open from 10AM to 2PM MST. In order to vote in a Branch election, one must be a member in good standing of the Branch 30 days prior to the election. A form of identification is required.

Should a run-off election be necessary that election shall occur on the following date at time certain (at least 1 hour) at this location, Run-off elections shall be conducted not less than ten (10) days after the original election.

We look forward to your participating in these activities.

Chartashia Miller

NAACP Aurora, CO Branch – Secretary


P.O. Box 31671, Aurora CO 80041