A. Decisions to be Made by the General Membership

1. The General Membership determines the date, time, and location for the election. This can be done at the August meeting by vote of the General Membership.

2. All Elections will be conducted by the National Office using Election Buddy.

3. The General Membership determines the number of members to be elected to the Nominating Committee (5-15).

4. The General Membership determines the number of at-large members to be elected to the Executive Committee.

B. Election of the Nominating Committee

1. At the September meeting of the General Membership in even-numbered years, a Nominating Committee shall be elected composed of not less than 5 and not more than 15 members of the Branch in good standing. Not more than two members of the Nominating Committee shall be officers or members of the Executive Committee. The term “Members In Good Standing”, for this purpose means that a member must have been a member at least 30 days prior to the date he/she is elected to the Nominating Committee.

2. Within 10 days of the election of the Nominating Committee, the Branch Secretary shall call the first meeting of the Committee, provide the Committee with an up-to-date list of current officers, and members of the Executive Committee, the number of terms served, membership eligibility, ID #, and attendance record.

3. The Nominating Committee’s first order of business is to elect its Chairman and Secretary.

C. Duties and Responsibilities of the Nominating Committee

1. The Nominating Committee may nominate any member in good standing of the Branch. Therefore, it is necessary the Committee to consider the entire membership of the Branch so as to be assured that the best-qualified members are considered. For the purpose of running for office, the term “Member in Good Standing”, shall mean that the person must be a bona fide member of the Branch by May 1st of the election year and remain a continuous member of the branch through the election process, and must live and/or work within the Branches jurisdiction.

2. Being a part of the Nominating Committee does not preclude the nomination of any member thereof as a candidate for an office or as an at-large member of the Executive Committee.

3. The Nominating Committee should make it known to the General Membership that it is available to interview members interested in being considered for office. *** To allow for changing COVID guidelines, this interview may be conducted virtually.

4. The Nominating Committee shall nominate only those persons who have given written consent to be nominated. Before the Branch accepts the Nominating Committee report, the Secretary shall verify that each nominee has given written consent.

Best regards,
Aurora NAACP Unit